Mary Oliver – The Sunflowers

Two Hundred and ten

Come with me into the field of sunflowers”

Will you? Will you leave your books, your tools, your job, your kids, your lovers, your prayer, will you leave the all behind and come? Will you leave all that keeps you connected to the you that you have created so carefully, and come seek the eternal connection that connects everything to everything in the field of sunflowers?  

That’s ok, I know it’s too much to ask..I, too, am afraid, afraid of leaving this laptop, leaving my names, my house…ah but ah to dream, to dream one is free to move through rivers of this universe going where one lists, absolute and total.. Ah to dream one is ones’ only master and there is nothing to hold one back.. ah to kiss the sun’s mouth and cry until there are rainbows everywhere…ah the simplicity of my childlike soul that coughs out of happiness and is amazed by a plastic bag caught in the wind on Columbia road.. ah not knowing, yet loving you – always. ah dreamers and dreams, where are you?? I need you more than ever!

The Sunflowers 
by Mary Oliver

Come with me
into the field of sunflowers.
Their faces are burnished disks,
their dry spines
creak like ship masts,
their green leaves,
so heavy and many,
fill all day with the sticky
sugars of the sun.
Come with me
to visit the sunflowers,
they are shy
but want to be friends;
they have wonderful stories
of when they were young –
the important weather,
the wandering crows.
Don’t be afraid
to ask them questions!
Their bright faces,
which follow the sun,
will listen, and all
those rows of seeds –
each one a new life!
hope for a deeper acquaintance;
each of them, though it stands
in a crowd of many,
like a separate universe,
is lonely, the long work
of turning their lives
into a celebration
is not easy. Come

and let us talk with those modest faces,
the simple garments of leaves,
the coarse roots in the earth
so uprightly burning.

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