Becoming A Person

Becoming A Person

Oh yes
It is hard
becoming a person,
being born,
growing 8 fingers,
and 2 opposable thumbs.

It is hard becoming a person,
growing up,
—-waking up,
(Going to work when it’s dark
coming home when it’s dark)
making money
paying taxes
and mowing lawns.
(who does that?)

It is hard becoming a person,
falling in love
out of love
around love.
oh so much love when you become a person
so little love when you become a person.

Oh yes
It is hard.
Harder than throwing an avocado away
(dead and beautiful)
Harder than eating the last piece of chocolate,
oh yeah
harder than the hard butter
that breaks your morning toast.

Oh becoming a person
is hard
but not too hard
When you smell the flowers
when you watch a goats eat balloons
When you look at the moon
sitting in the sky
—–like half cut melon
when someone holds your hand
When you wear a clean shirt
(can you smell the fresh laundry?).

Oh it is hard
to be a person,
but not too hard
when I have you
to person with.

Washington, D.C.

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